Monday, May 4, 2009

What do you think?

Here is something that troubles me.

Why is “news” nearly always bad? Murders, kidnapping, rapes and such always grab the headlines.

Is it that this is all that can “grab” our attention? Or, is this what we have become trained to look for and relish? I wonder.

Recently, someone said that they no longer read or look at the news because it is always bad.
Well that means there is at least one person who would like to see, read or hear some good news for a change. This raises the question: Is it wise to live in blissful ignorance?

Personally, I am also fed up. I realise that the “news” depresses me. It causes me to complain and gripe and moan and groan about our existence, our way of life, about almost everything. Living is becoming oppressive.

If it is true that focussing on negative things causes stress, ill health and depression, why then do we so willingly continue to absorb all the bad and negative things around us? Does this make us feel any better? Does this change the way things are? Does it make us want to do something to make things improve?

Candidly, I don’t think so.
In physics, the first and third of Newton’s laws of motion are as follows:

· First Law: Every object in a state of uniform motion tends to remain in that state of motion unless an external force is applied to it.

· Third Law: For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.

I truly believe that this equally applies to life and living.

Under the first law, we remain consistent with the “news” that we consume. We remain in a state of uniform (negative) motion with our environment.

I would like to apply an external force to make things better.

Under the third law, there is an equal and opposite perspective. This is the proverbial “Silver Lining” behind the dark clouds.

In this newsletter, I would try to find my “silver linings” in the news and may also take the opportunity to make suggestions to ease things into a more positive movement.
I would also like to look at the news from a lighter side.

As we journey along this path, please free to share any comments or news with me.
I will get back to you soon.

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